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Biomarker Analysis Center(s) for Mass Cytometry and Transcriptome Analysis of TrialNet Samples

Deadlines are 5:00 PM (Eastern). No extensions will be granted.

Milestone Date Status
Letter of Intent N/A
Application Oct 04, 2017 Passed
Award Notification Apr 30, 2018 Passed
Earliest Start Jun 01, 2018 Passed

Background & Purpose

Please click on the “RFA ANNOUNCEMENT” link in the upper right corner for complete information.


JDRF, the world’s leading non-profit organization with the mission to cure type 1 diabetes (T1D), is partnering with TrialNet, an international consortium of clinical research centers with the goal to prevent or delay T1D. Both organizations support researchers worldwide who are working to better understand the natural history of T1D, develop methods to better identify persons at risk for the disease, and evaluate new therapies to potentially delay or reverse the progression of disease. Further information about JDRF and TrialNet is available online at and

TrialNet has infrastructure that is world-leading for biomarker discovery, including biosamples collected to common protocols and linked to comprehensive clinical records and pathological outcomes. JDRF requests proposals from qualified laboratories to serve as a Biomarker Analysis Centers. One Center will focus on mass cytometry analysis, and one Center on transcriptome analysis. Applicants may submit a proposal to serve as the Center for Mass Cytometry Analysis, the Center for Transcriptome Analysis, or both. The successful applicant(s) will receive access to TrialNet samples and conduct the project in close collaboration with TrialNet’s Coordinating Center.



Our current understanding of T1D is that it progresses in stages: Stage 1 is characterized by the presence of 2 or more autoantibodies (AAb), Stage 2 by the presence of AAb plus dysglycemia, and Stage 3 by clinical diagnosis of T1D [1, 2]. The discovery of mechanistic biomarkers of T1D progression from stages 1 to 3 would be transformative in several key areas, most notably in: providing a better understanding of T1D natural history and disease heterogeneity; identifying disease pathways and treatment algorithms; and designing strategies to delay, prevent and ultimately reverse disease. Discovery and clinical validation of new prognostic biomarkers of disease progression therefore represents a significant unmet research need in T1D.


1 Insel R and Dunne JL. JDRF’s vision and strategy for prevention of type 1 diabetes. Pediatric Diabetes 2016 Jul; 17 Suppl 22:87-92.

2 Insel RA, Dunne JL, Atkinson MA, Chiang JL, Dabelea D, Gottlieb PA, Greenbaum CJ, Herold KC, Krischer JP, Lernmark A, Ratner RE, Rewers MJ, Schatz DA, Skyler JS, Sosenko JM, and Ziegler AG. Staging presymptomatic type 1 diabetes: a scientific statement of JDRF, the Endocrine Society, and the American Diabetes Association. Diabetes Care 2015 Oct; 38(10):1964-74.